We're helping hospitals in Cherson.
Although most of the residents have left Cherson, 10-15 babies are born every month in the local and currently only functioning maternity hospital. The maternity ward was and still is a target of Russian attacks, bombs have fallen on the top floor in the past. As the maternity ward is constantly under the threat of further gunfire, operations are now limited to the ground floor and an underground shelter where staff and patients are moved in the event of an attack. Sirens can wail in the middle of labour. In the still-used parts of the building, all windows are boarded up so that patients are not killed by shattered glass.
Kherson Maternity Hospital is one of our regular receivers of aid. We’ve already delivered the hospital’s beds, clothing for nurses, disinfectants and electrical equipment. In cooperation with IsraAID Ukraine, we also brought disinfection lamps to help the maternity hospital deal with the contamination of the water after the Kachov Dam was destroyed.
Cherson Hospital
In cooperation with Věža, we deliver medication to the Kherson hospital. Recently, a Russian air raid destroyed an important operating room, including its expensive equipment. The attack was not without human casualties. The constant attacks result not only in an unimaginable psychological burden that staff and patients have to deal with, but also in a lack of basic medical equipment.
What exactly will the money be used for?
Both of these medical facilities are desperately short of medical supplies and equipment. These include a freezer for blood supplies, a coagulator, a defibrillator, a surgical suction machine, an electric/electrohydraulic operating table and other operating room equipment. We will use the funds to purchase these devices and medical supplies.
Thank you.