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Attacks on critical infrastructure are more and more common.

Help Cherson area residents prepare for another harsh winter.

Ukrainians had to survive last winter without light, heat, electricity and water. This winter probably won’t be that different, so we want to at least bring warmth to the Kherson area.

Help us fill our trucks with briquettes. It is essential to start preparations early, while the briquette production is still working and power cuts are not a daily occurrence.

Kherson region is one of the most threatened places in Ukraine due to its proximity to the frontline. Thanks to our experience from last year, we already know where to buy briquettes at a low price and which villages are most at danger. Our volunteers have been helping in the area for a long time, so we know exactly what the locals need.

Teplo pro Cherson 2

Výše příspěvku

We want to help the people of the Kherson area survive the coming winter. Because of the destroyed infrastructure, heat will be a scarce commodity for the people of Kherson.

What exactly will the money be used for?

We will use the money from the fundraiser to buy briquettes and other necessary fuel. We will also import drinking water because it is still scarce in some villages in the Kherson area.

Thank you for helping!

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Teplo pro Cherson 2

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